Random pic

just check out my phone’s pic…so…have some pic taken this two day …lets see wats happen.. 26-12-09melepak lepak @ queensbay with denise, karen, aaron and damien…having this yogurt at J coolif the yogurt can small size abit ….that will be better…:Pafter queensbay went to sega for yumi’s birthday celebration @ pulau tikus there with Coeywe din stay so long at there…cos…we have to rush to UPRmeet michelle and daniel them went to Mois for christmas celebration

a great day cos

at least today gt someone acc me for lunch

thxx for acc my friends…

have a great day with u guy

so happy when receive my daughter’s card a christmas and new year card for me…^^a warm wishes from her cheer up my day


receive a present from my dear-miki^^

really happy when i saw tat present on my table…
really appreciate that ….
merry Christmas to u n happy always

27-12-09just now went dinner with ysafter tat we go starbuck yam chaheheebought this small cup…really cute…^^like it so much …thx ya ys
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