Happy Birthday to myself…^^very happening for this year BIRTHDAY
have a celebration birthday with my gal at DAORAEwith kamPong/K33 at BLACK and WHITE KTVwith EMP & WTP at BLACK and WHITE KTV
with K33 total drink 12 bucket of tigerwith EMP and WTP total have 16 bucket of tiger=.=’really che gia!!!but have alot of fun ^^
there are some of the photo upload here ….thanks and *hug* u all …..muakk…love u guy so much …
My presents ^^From dear dear ^^
scarf and dress from Miki ^^
dress from ka fui
spray from erica ^^
Camera From Jayne, Dino and yizhi ^^
Celebration on 16 novwith EMP and WTP @ black and white KTVmuakk!! luv u guys ^^
Celebration my birthday and lau yee Birthday with K33at black and white KTV (in room) on 12 nov muakk!! luv u guys
celebration with my gal @ office ‘s pantry on 11 novthanks Michelle hoo for the cake ^^
*Alison is the camera gal
celebration with my gal @ DAORAEon 4 nov
* Alison is the camera gal